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6 Commandments for Delightful Iced Teas

July 14, 2016

With summer kicking in, we’re embracing the iced tea season with wide open arms. Nothing is capable of getting to us when we’ve got killer iced teas in hand – the only weapon you’ll ever need to beat the sweltering heat outside. But before you even think about that chilled, iced filled tall glass of sweet tea goodness, here’s our 6 rules to follow by for an unbeatable pitcher. Have fun!


1. Fear nothing but not steeping enough teas.


2. Never oversteep. Timing is everything. Want a stronger flavour? See rule 1 again.


3.Cool the brew before refrigerating to prevent clouding. Read a book, take a nap..


4.If lemons are called for, use only fresh lemons for the best flavor.


5.Have simple syrup on the side during serving. Everyone has different sweetness preferences.



6.Keep your iced teas fresh. Make enough to keep up to a day or two.


Ready to start brewing? We’ve got you covered.


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