Benefits of Herbal Teas with Honey.
May 16, 2017
Drinking herbal teas with honey while having a rough cold may not immediately cure it, but drinking the teas on a regular basis can have a positive effect in the long run. Here are a few things that that warm cup of herbal tea with honey can help to ease.
Image courtesy of Anda Ambrosini
Calms a cough
Brew a teaspoon of peppermint tea to about 200ml of warm water and stir in half a teaspoon for honey to sweeten. We recommend using The Apiary Eucalyptus Honey. On top of the benefits of the peppermints, the Eucalyptus honey is power packed with anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties that ease cough.
Puts insomnia on control
Famous to calm an upset stomach and a stress-busting tea, Chamomile tea is great before bedtime. This caffeine-free brew increases glycine, a property that relaxes nerves and muscles. To tone done the floral notes of Chamomile, try sweetening the brew with honey such as The Apiary Forest Honey. This golden liquid is collected from assorted plants in Rwanda’s pristine forests. Lush!
Beats achy joints
A familiar plant in Asian culinary, lemongrass is used to treat common cold and achy joints. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce body aches and relieve muscle pain. Its citrusy flavor tastes almost like a mix of lemon and mint. Soothing and thirst quenching when brewed cold, drip honey like The Apiary White Eucalyptus to add some sweetness to this brew. The Eucalyptus found in this honey speeds up in relieving the muscle aches. On a side note, Eucalyptus can also soothe sore throat.
Gryphon Tea is proud to have these honey on board in support of The Apiary’s commitment to poverty alleviation for Rwandan beekeepers and their communities. The Apiary works with various beekeeping cooperatives, offering both expertise and micro-financing opportunities from which the beekeepers are able to derive sustainable incomes. Striving to inculcate involvement at a community level, The Apiary also welcome aspiring beekeepers who wish to learn the art of apiculture. By participating in various aspects of the beekeeping chain, communities can progress and break the cycle of poverty. The Apiary Hillside Honey can be found on the Gryphon Tea store in the Pantry section.